The right question, asked at the right place and time, has an unbelievable power to change lives.

Hello! Great to see you on my platform, Love Mondays. I'm Giedre, an accredited ICF and FLOW coach. I consult on personal growth, self-realization, life and lifestyle change questions and offer help in the search for a true sense of happiness in life. I firmly believe that coaching techniques effectively help people find answers to their unsettling questions. And yes, I love Mondays no less than any other day of the week!

How can I help?

For the change to happen, you need the courage to admit that the way things are now is no longer satisfactory and dare to ask yourself – how would I like things to be? Let me guide you through this process. I know how it feels to take risks, try, make mistakes, and be scared, yet do it anyway. Because I found the COURAGE within myself. So now, I want to inspire others to do the same. If you feel that your life lacks courage, balance, flavors or colors – I invite you to search for those in a personal coaching session.